
S e c t i o n T h r e e
d i s p l ay of error messages wh en the Power On Sel f
Test nds probl em s .
F l oppy Ch eck :
The F l oppy Ch eck F i eld en try en a bles or disabl e s
the sys tem from ch ecking what kind of oppy disk
is install ed every time it boots up. Di s a bling this
m a kes the boot a little bit faster. The default is
Di s a bl ed .
Exiting from the Boot Menu
When you have finished setting the parameters
on the Boot Menu, you can either exit from the
Setup Utility or move to another menu. If you
wish to exit from Setup Utility press the Esc key
to go to the Exit Menu. If you wish to move to
another menu,use the cursor keys.
Exit Menu – Leaving the Setup Utility
The Exit Menu is used to leave the Setup Utility.
The Exit Menu options are:
Save Changes and Exit:
Sel ecting Save Ch a n ges and Exit wi ll store all
the en tries on every menu of the Setup Uti l i ty
to the BIOS mem ory and then exit the Setu p
Figure 3-10 Exit Menu
Uti l i ty. Wh e n saving is com p l ete the message
Changes have been saved
[Continue] wi ll be displayed .Pressing any
key wi ll reboot your noteboo k .
Discard Changes and Exit:
Sel ecting Di s c a rd Ch a n ges and Exit wi ll exit the
Setup Uti l i ty wi t h o ut wri ting to the BIOS mem-
ory. Wh en BIOS recogn i zes this sel ecti on it wi ll
l oad the opera ting sys tem and begin opera ti on .