
S e c t i o n T h r e e
Table 3-1 Options and Defaults for the Main Menu
Parameter Options Default Description
System Time Sets and displays the current time. Time is in a 24
hour format of hours:minutes:seconds with 2 digits
for each.(HH:MM:SS)
System Date Sets and displays the current date.Date is in a
month/day/year numeric format with 2 digits each for
month and day and 4 digits for year.(MM/DD/YYYY)
DisketteA 1.44MB, 3½"; 1.44MB,3½"
Sets the format for Floppy Disk Drive A if it is install ed .
Not Installed
IDE Adapter 0 Selects the IDE Adapter 0 C: 1081 MB Displays the designator and capacity of the hard drive
Master Master Sub-Menu. on this interface and when selected allows you to
ch a n g e the interf a ce spec i fic a ti ons to suit the particular
disk drive. (This is the internal hard drive controller.)
IDE Adapter 0 Slave Selects the IDE Adapter 0 CD-ROM Displays the designator and capacity of the drive on
Slave Sub-Menu this interface and when selected allows you to change
the interface specifications to suit the particular disk
drive.(This is the CD-ROM Drive which can be
installed in the Multi-function Bay.)