
P/N 13999-002 Info Manual 7-55
Cirrus Design Section 7
SR20 Airplane Description
Exterior Lighting
The airplane is equipped with standard wing tip and tail-mounted
navigation lights with integral anti-collision strobe lights. The
separately controlled landing light is located in the left cowl inlet.
Navigation Lights
The airplane is equipped with standard wing tip navigation lights. The
lights are controlled through the NAV light switch on the instrument
panel bolster. 28 VDC for navigation light operation is supplied through
the 3-amp NAV LIGHTS circuit breaker on Main Bus 2.
Strobe Light
Anti-collision strobe lights are installed integral with the standard
navigation lights. Each strobe is flashed by a separate power supply.
The strobe power supplies are controlled through the STROBE light
switch on the instrument panel bolster. 28 VDC for strobe light and
control circuits is supplied through the 5-amp STROBE LIGHTS circuit
breaker on Main Bus 2.
Landing Light
A standard Halogen or optional High Intensity Discharge (HID) landing
light is mounted in the lower engine cowl. The landing light is
controlled through the LAND light switch on the instrument panel
In the standard (Halogen) installation, setting the LANDING light
switch 'on' energizes the landing light control relay in the Master
Control Unit (MCU) completing a 28 VDC circuit from the airplane
primary bus to the Halogen lamp. A 15-amp circuit breaker on the
primary bus in the MCU protects the circuit.
In the optional (HID) installation, setting the LANDING light switch 'on'
energizes the landing light control relay in the Master Control Unit
(MCU) completing a 28 VDC circuit from the airplane primary bus to
energize the HID ballast, mounted on the forward firewall, which
powers the HID lamp in the cowl. A 15-amp circuit breaker on the
primary bus in the MCU protects the circuit.
September 2011