
5-6 P/N 13999-002 Info Manual
Section 5 Cirrus Design
Performance Data SR20
Decrease in total distance (2734 feet x 0.092) ..............252 feet
Corrected total distance to clear 50-foot obstacle ....... 2482 feet
Corrections for grass runways and sloped runways are also applicable
and should be applied. These corrections are calculated in the same
manner as the wind correction above. Refer to Figure 5-9 for
correction factors to be applied.
The takeoff and enroute rate-of-climb and climb gradient tables,
Figures 5-10 through 5-14, present maximum rate of climb and climb
gradient for various conditions. The time, fuel, and distance to climb
table, Figure 5-15, allows determination of the time, fuel, and distance
to climb from sea level to a specified pressure altitude. To determine
the values to be used for flight planning, the start-of-climb time, fuel,
and distance values are subtracted from the end-of-climb (cruise
altitude) values. Again, conservative values are obtained by using the
next lower altitude value for start of climb or next higher altitude values
for end of climb. Using conservative values for the sample data, the
following calculations are made:
Start-of-climb values (SL to 1750 feet):
Time to climb .......................................................... 1.3 minutes
Distance to climb ............................................................ 2.0 NM
Fuel to climb ................................................................. 0.3 Gal.
End-of-climb values (SL to 6500 feet):
Time to climb ........................................................ 10.3 minutes
Distance to climb .......................................................... 17.0 NM
Fuel to climb ................................................................. 2.4 Gal.
Climb values (1750 to 6500 feet):
Time to climb (end 10.3 – start 1.3)......................... 9.0 minutes
Distance to climb (end 17.0 – start 2.0)........................ 15.0 NM
Fuel to climb (end 2.4 – start 0.3).................................. 2.1 Gal.
The above values reflect climb for a standard day and are sufficient for
most flight planning. However, further correction for the effect of
temperature on climb can be made. The effect of a temperature on
September 2011