Instruction manual

Record Formats (SDR 2x/33)
Header Record
00NM ver 0000 datetime ang dist press temp coor 1
ver (5-20) = SDR Download Version*
*SDR2x will read SDR20V03-05.
SDR33 will read SDR33V04-01.
0000 (21-24) = Not used.
datetime (25-40) = Download Date and Time (seconds are not
ang (41) = Angle Units. Degrees:1, Gons:2, Mils:4.
dist (42) = Distance Units, Metres: 1, Feet:2.
press (43) = Pressure Units. mmHg:1, InchHg:2, hPa:3.
temp (44) = Temperature Units. Celsius:1, Fahrenheit:2
coor (45) = Coordinate Order. NEZ:1, ENZ:2.
1 (46) = Not Used.
Instrument Record
01KI1 instr serNo Instr serNo 1 zero VA 0.000 0.000 0.000
instr (6-21) and (28-43) = Instrument Make/Model.
serNo. (22-27) and (44-49) = Instrument Serial Number.
1 (50) = Not Used.
zero VA (51) = Vertical Angle. Zenith:1, Horizon:2.
0.000 (52-61), (62-71) and (72-81) = Not Used.
Station Details Record
02KI stnpt northing easting elevation hi desc
stnpt (2x:5-8) (33:5-20) = Station Point Number.
northing (2x:9-18) (33:21-36)
easting (2x:19-28) (33:37-52)
elevation (2x:29-38) (33:53-68)
hi (2x:39-48) (33:69-84) = Height of Instrument.
desc (2x:49-64) (33:85-100) = Station Description.