Instruction manual

MENU/1: Job
Angle unit: DEG/GON/MIL
Dist unit: Metre/Ft-US/Ft-Int
Temp unit: degC/degF
Press unit: hPa/mmHg/inHg
VA zero:0(Zenith) / 0(Horizon)
Az zero: North/South
Coord-order: NEZ/ENZ
HA to BS: AZ/zero
These settings can be changed using the Right/Left arrow keys. You can
move the cursor using the Up/Down arrow keys and change any
necessary items.
Pressing the [ENT] or Down arrow key on each line will confirm the
input and move the cursor to the next line.
Finally, a job will be created using these Job settings after pressing the
[ENT] key on the last Job setting line (Coord).
Angle DEG
Dist :Metre
Temp :degC
Press hPa
For Feet users, there is an option to
display and input values in Feet-Inch.
After the “Dist:” field, the option screen
is opened only for Feet unit. You can
select either “decimal-Ft” or “Ft-Inch”
by Right/Left arrow key.
US-Ft or I-Ft
>VA zero :↑0
ANG Reso High
Tilt adj.:Dual
HA to BS :AZ