User guide

・Do not place handset directly on beach.
- Sand may enter Mic, Earpiece, Speaker, External Device
Port, or Stereo Earphone Port which may distort sound or
cause overheating, malfunction.
・Make sure to securely close Slot Cover.
・A fine particle (a hair, grain of sand, tiny fiber, etc.)
between Slot Cover and handset may allow water to enter.
・Do not use handset with External Device Port, or Stereo
Earphone Port wet or sand or dust inside.
・Do not use handset under water.
・Do not leave handset in a humid place such as a bathroom,
kitchen etc. for a long time.
・Handset complies with water resistance specifications only
for tap water at room temperature. Do not splash or soak
- Water containing soap, detergent, bath salts
- Seawater
- Pool water
- Hot spring water
- Boiled water
- Chemicals
- Perspiration
・Hold handset approximately 10 cm below faucet or shower
head and wash with low-pressure tap water ((6 L/min. or
lower) at room temperature (5℃ to 35℃)).
・When washing handset, make sure to securely close Slot
Cover. Do not use a brush or sponge.
・Do not wash External Device Port, and Stereo Earphone Port
・Do not wash handset in a washing machine.
・To avoid seepage, do not:
- Remove rubber seals.
- Pinch rubber seals when closing Slot Cover.
- Open/close Slot Cover with gloves on.
- Leave fine particles (a hair, grain of sand, tiny fiber, etc.)
between Slot Cover and handset.
- Insert sharp-edged objects into gaps around Slot Cover to
remove those fine particles.
・Replacing parts every two years regardless of handset
performance is recommended (at cost). Contact SoftBank
Shop or SoftBank Customer Support, General Information.
・Rinse seawater, detergent, sand, mud, etc. off with tap
・If handset gets wet, drain water and wipe off water from
handset with a clean dry cloth.
・Do not leave handset wet.
- Doing so may cause short circuit with External Device Port
or Stereo Earphone Port.
- Do not leave External Device Port, and Stereo Earphone
Port wet.
- In cold climates, freezing may cause malfunction.
・Water may leak into External Device Port, Stereo Earphone
Port, Mic, Earpiece, Speaker or Keypad. Shake handset to
flick water away and wipe off from Keypad with a clean dry
・Wipe off water or snow with a dry clean cloth not to wet
your clothes or bag.
・Before using, make sure that External Device Port, Stereo
Earphone Port, Mic, Earpiece, Speaker and Keypad is dry.
・Desktop Holder and AC Charger are not water resistant. Do
not charge wet handset. When charging, drain and wipe off
water before inserting into Desktop Holder.
・Do not charge wet handset. Doing so may cause electric
shock, fire or malfunction due to short circuit.
・Do not touch Desktop Holder or AC Charger with wet hands.
Doing so may cause electric shock.
・Keep Desktop Holder and AC Charger away from water.
Failure to do so may cause fire or electric shock.
・Do not use Desktop Holder and AC Charger in a humid place
such as a bathroom, kitchen, etc. Doing so may cause fire or
electric shock.
・Do not soak handset in hot spring water, water with soap,
detergent, bath salts, etc. Also do not leave handset under
water for a long time. Doing so may cause malfunction.
・Do not open/close Slot Cover with wet hands or when
handset gets wet.
・Handset is not heat resistant. Do not immerse handset in
hot water, use it in a sauna or dry it with hot air (e.g. a
・Handset is not shock resistant. Do not drop handset or
subject it to excessive shock. Do not poke External Device
Port, Stereo Earphone Port, Mic, Earpiece, or Speaker
with cotton swab or sharp-edged object. May affect
・Do not apply excessive amount of water to handset.
・Handset does not float.
・Handset is waterproof only in the temperatures of 5℃ to
40℃ (only temporary use is available at 36℃ to 40℃) and
humidity of 35% to 90%.
・If Slot Cover is damaged, replace it with a new one. May
result in electric shock or corrosion of Battery due to
・If handset gets wet with Slot Cover open, seepage may
occur. In such case, power off handset, and bring it to
a SoftBank Shop or contact SoftBank Customer Support,
General Information.
・Do not leave water in Mic, Earpiece, Speaker, External
Device Port, or Stereo Earphone Port. May cause