User Manual

Abbreviations that are in common use (such as cm, RC, US, and USA)
appear in the dictionary itself.
Note on trademarks and proprietary status
This dictionary includes some words which have, or are asserted to have,
proprietary status as trademarks or otherwise. Their inclusion does not
imply that they have acquired for legal purposes a non-proprietary or ge-
neral significance, nor any other judgement concerning their legal status.
In cases where the editorial staff have some evidence that a word has
proprietary status this is indicated in the entry for that word by the label
, but no judgement concerning the legal status of such words is
made or implied thereby.
adj. adjective
abbrev. abbreviation
adv. adverb
Austral. Australian
Chem. Chemistry
comb. form combining form
conj. conjunction
derog. derogatory
esp. especially
exclam. exclamation
fem. feminine
Geom. Geometry
Gk. Myth Greek Mythology
hist. historical
Math. Mathematics
n. noun
Naut. Nautical
Abbreviations used in the dictionary
N. Engl. northern
offens. offensive
pl. plural
pl. n. plural noun
possess. pron possessive
past part. past participle
prep. preposition
pres. part. present
Sc. Scottish
sing. singular
usu. usually
v. verb
var. variant
vars. variants
aux. v. auxiliary verb