LCD Projector Operation Manual Model XG-C60X

Easy to Use Functions
Displaying the Break Timer
"On-screen Display
Displaying and Setting
the Break Timer
1 Press . The break timer
starts to count down from 5
2 When
is displayed, press
' ,
" ,
\ or
| to set the break
You can set anywhere between 1 and
60 minutes (in 1 minute units).
The break timer starts to count down
as soon as ' , " , \ or | is pressed.
3 Press to cancel the break
Auto Power Off function will be temporarily
disabled during the break timer.
When no input signal is detected for more
than 15 minutes, the projector will auto-
matically enter the standby mode if the
break timer has elapsed.
The break timer will be displayed on the
startup image. To change the screen dis-
played during the break timer, change the
setting of Startup Image (see page 68).
This function can be used to show the remaining time for break during meeting.
', ", \ , |
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