ECO Declaration

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Model number *
MX-B350P / MX-B350PE
Issue date *
Product environmental attributes - Market requirements (See General NOTE GN below)
- Environmental conscious design Requirement met
*=mandatory to fill in. Additional information regarding each item may be found under P14.
Yes No n.a.
Disassembly, recycling
Parts that have to be treated separately are easily separable
Plastic materials in covers/housing have no surface coating.
Plastic parts > 100 g consist of one material or of easily separable materials.
Plastic parts > 25 g have material codes according to ISO 11469 referring ISO 1043-4.
Plastic parts are free from metal inlays or have inlays that can be removed with commonly available tools.
Labels are easily separable. (This requirement does not apply to safety/regulatory labels).
Product lifetime
Upgrading can be done e.g. with processor, memory, cards or drives
Upgrading can be done using commonly available tools
Spare parts are available after end of production for: 7 years
Service is available after end of production for: 7 years
Material and substance requirements
Product cover/housing material type (e.g. plastics, metal, aluminum):
Material type: PC+ABS
Material type: PS-HI
Material type:
Insulation materials of external electrical cables are PVC free.
Insulation materials of internal electrical cables are PVC free.
External plastic casing/cover parts > 25 g contain no more than 0,1% weight (1000 ppm) bromine and 0,1%
weight (1000 ppm) chlorine attributable to brominated flame retardants, chlorinated flame retardants, and
polyvinyl chloride or 0,3% weight (3000 ppm) bromine and 0,
3% weight (3000 ppm) chlorine in parts
containing more than 25% post-consumer recycled content.
Printed circuit boards, PCBs (without components) are low halogen: all PCBs > 25 g
are low
halogen as defined in IEC 61249-2-21. (See NOTE B2)
Flame retarded plastic parts > 25 g in covers / housings are marked according ISO 1043-4:
Alt. 1: Chemical specifications of flame retardants in printed circuit boards > 25 g (without components):
TBBPA (additive) , TBBPA (reactive) (See NOTE B3), Other; chemical name: , CAS #:
Alt. 2: Chemical specifications of flame retardants in printed circuit boards (without components) > 25 g
according ISO 1043-4:
Alt. 1: Flame retarded plastic parts > 25 g contain the following flame retardant substances/preparations in
concentrations above 0,1%:
1. Chemical name: , CAS #: (See NOTE B4)
2. Chemical name: , CAS #:
3. Chemical name: , CAS #:
Alt. 2: Chemical specifications of flame retardants in plastic parts > 25 g according ISO 1043-4:
>FR(17)< or >FR(40)<
In plastic parts > 25 g, flame retardant substances/preparations above 0,1% are used which have been
assigned the following Risk phrases; and Hazard statements:
The source(s) for these classifications is/are found at (add URL(s)): , (See NOTE B5)
Postconsumer recycled plastic material content is used in the product (See NOTE B6):
If YES; at least one of the two alternatives below shall be answered;
a) Of total plastic parts’ weight > 25 g, the postconsumer recycled plastic material content (calculated as a
percentage of total plastic by weight) is 0
1.0 %.
b) The weight of recycled material is g.
GENERAL NOTE Standard references should direct to the latest version of a standard. If an older version of a standard is
used, section P15 shall be used for explanation.
NOTE B2 IEC 61249-2-21 defines maximum limits of 900 ppm for each of the substances chlorine and bromine and a
maximum limit of 1500ppm of these substances combined. The standard does not address fluorine, iodine and astatine which
are included in the group of halogens.
NOTE B3 and B4 A Guidance document on Chemical substances is available;
NOTE B5 If a certain substance has been assigned a certain risk phrases / hazard statement in the referenced
source, this does not necessarily mean the substance has been tested for all of the hazards referred to by a certain customer.
NOTE B6 Applies to a product containing plastic parts whose combined weight exceeds 100 g with the exception of
printed circuit boards, cables, connectors and electronic components and bio-based plastic material.