Operation Manual, User's Manual

EAP Authentication Method
Set the EAP authentication method in IEEE802.1X.
EAP User Name
Enter a maximum of 64 characters for the EAP user name used for authentication.
Enter a maximum of 64 characters for the EAP password used for authentication.
Server Authentication
Set whether server authentication is used.
EAP Timeout
Set the EAP Timeout.
Number of EAP Retries
Set the number of EPS re-access times when transmission fails.
Device Certificate
Certificate Status
Shows the status of the certificate required for transmission using IEEE802.1X. To install a certificate, click [Install].
CA Certificate Status
Shows the status of the CA certificate required for transmission using IEEE802.1X. To install a certificate, click [Install].
Make of Certificate Signing Request(CSR)
Enter the information below and click the [Execute] key to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
Common Name (Required)
Enter the name to be used.
Enter the name of the organization.
Organizational Unit
Enter the name of the unit within the organization.
Enter the city or locality.
Enter the state or province.
Country/Region (Required)
Enter the country code.
Key Length of Certificate
Enter the key length of the certificate.
Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
When you create a certificate signing request (CSR) with [Make of Certificate Signing Request(CSR)], the content of the
certificate signing request (CSR) appears.