Operation Manual, User's Manual

Image Send Settings
Common Settings
Settings related to the image send function (E-mail, etc.) can be configured.
The operation settings below apply to all image send functions.
Condition Settings
Hold settings for a while after scanning has been completed
Use this setting to hold the settings after scanning is completed (until Auto Clear Mode activates).
Job Auto Start Time During Scanning
Set the time at which transmission is automatically started even if the original is still being scanned.
Default Display Setting
When resending by document filing or recalling by saved program settings that do not include an address, select from
the following 6 types of base screens that appear.
Network Folder
Data Entry
Address Book Default Selection
Higher priority is given to the display of address book.
If image send mode is enabled, the Address Book is displayed in place of the initial screen of this mode.
Apply Addresses of Sending Modes Only
When an address is selected from the address book, only the addresses displayed in narrowing mode are applied.
Category Displayed as Default
Select a category to be displayed with the default.
Frequent Use
Categories 1 to 32
Display all address type regardless of the mode being displayed currently.
Displays all destinations regardless of the displayed mode when this setting is enabled.
Enlarge Address Book
An enlarged address book list appears.
Image Orientation
Sets the default image orientation.
Default Exposure Settings
This is used to set the default exposure settings for scanning a document in image send mode. Select [Auto] or
[Manual]. If you select [Manual], set the exposure to one of 5 levels.
In "Settings", if a default address has been configured by selecting [System Settings] → [Image Send Settings] → [Scan
Settings] → [Default Address] → [Default Address Setting], the [Higher priority is given to the display of address book.]
function cannot be used.
When the exposure is set to [Auto], a default original type cannot be selected.