Operation Manual, User's Manual

There are the following ways to save a file using document filing: [Quick File] and [File] in copy mode or image send
mode, and [Scan to HDD] and [Scan to External Memory Device] in document filing mode.
Folder types
Three types of folders are used to store files on the hard drive using the document filing function.
Folders on the hard drive
Quick File Folder
Documents scanned using [Quick File] on the action panel are stored in this folder. A user name and file name are
automatically assigned to each job.
Main Folder
Scanned documents are stored in this folder.
When you store a job in the Main folder, you can specify a previously stored user name and assign a file name.
A password (5 to 32 characters) can also be set when storing a file ("Confidential" save) as required.
Custom Folder
Folders with custom names are stored inside this folder.
Scanned documents are stored in the stored folder.
Like the Main folder, a custom folder allows you to specify a previously stored user name and assign a file name when
storing a job.
Passwords (PIN code: 5 to 8 digit number) can be established for custom folders and for files saved in custom folders.
Quick File
As a copy, image send, or other job is performed, this function saves the document data to
the hard drive. Use this function when you want to quickly and easily store document data
without specifying a file name or other information. The stored file can also be used by
other people. Do not use this method to save files that you do not want others to use.
As a copy, image send, or other job is performed, this function saves the document data to
the hard drive. Unlike Quick File, various types of information can be appended to the file
when the file is saved to enable efficient file management. A password can also be
Scan to HDD
This function scans an original and stores it to the hard drive. Like File, various types of
information can be appended.
Scan to External Memory
This function scans an original and stores it in an external memory device such as a USB
memory device. Like File, various types of information can be appended.
A maximum of 1000 custom folders can be created on the hard drive.
Quick File
Main Folder Custom Folder