Operation Manual

Insert two AAA batteries into Remote control. 1.
Make sure (k) and (l) are facing the proper
Replace the cover.2.
If the remote control will not to be used for a long •
time, remove the batteries to avoid remote control damage�
Improper use of batteries can result in chemical leakage or explosion� Be sure to follow the instructions below
Do not mix batteries of different types� Different types of batteries have different characteristics�•
Do not mix old and new batteries� Mixing old and new batteries can shorten the life of new batteries or cause •
chemical leakage in old batteries�
Remove batteries as soon as they have worn out� Chemicals that leak from batteries can cause a rash� If you find •
any chemical leakage, wipe thoroughly with a cloth�
The batteries supplied with this product may have a shorter life expectancy due to storage conditions�•
If you will not be using the remote control unit for an extended period of time, remove the batteries from it�•
Note on disposing batteries:
The batteries provided contain no harmful materials such as cadmium, lead or mercury
Regulations concerning used batteries stipulate that batteries may no longer be thrown out with the household
rubbish� Deposit any used batteries free of charge into the designated collection containers set up at commercial
Use the remote control unit by pointing it towards the
remote control sensor� Objects between the remote
control unit and sensor may prevent proper operation�
30° 30°
Installation of batteries
Using the remote control unit Bundling the cables
5 m
Remote control sensor