Operation Manual, Operation Guide Data Security Kit

When you leave even just for a second while using the "Settings
(administrator)" on the web page, be sure to click the [Logout] button or close
the Web browser to log out.
If [Admin] is specified for the [Authority Group] of general users in User Control,
the settings of the machine may be changed in a way unintended by the
administrator. It is recommended not to specify [Admin] for users other than the
administrator when you add/modify users.
The setting change of Authority Group indicating the belonging of user is
reflected instantly. However, for the user who has logged in at the time of setting
change, the old setting of Authority Group before the change is applied before
he is logged out. Therefore, such users should be alerted to log out once and
log in again.
Other Caution
O Any encrypted data exported under the data security was enabled before
installing this kit can no longer be imported after this kit is installed.
O [Initialize Private Data/Data in Machine] is a function in which all data in the
machine are returned to default. All data stored in the machine, such as personal
information, user information and job data are deleted after executing this
function and all the setting information are returned to the factory default. This
function should be executed when the machine is disposed or the owner of the
machine is changed.
This function can be executed from the operation panel by the administrator
Initialization is executed by tapping [Execute] key in the [System Settings]
[Security Settings] [Initialize Private Data/Data in Machine] of "Settings
(administrator)", then tapping [OK] key in the displayed execution confirmation
It takes some times from start to end of the initialization. Execution cannot be
stopped in the middle. Be sure not to leave the spot until the initialization is
completed. Pay sufficient attention to the breakage of power supply of the
machine during the initialization.
If any problem happened in the middle of initialization, “Call for service.” will be
displayed on the operation panel. In that case, please contact your dealer or
nearest authorized service representative.
If the machine is shut down before completing the initialization due to power
failure, log in as the default administrator (admin) and execute the initialization
according to the above procedure again after power recovery. In addition, the
default administrator (admin) password may be initialized. If you cannot log in
with the specified password, use the default password to log in.