User's Manual

SerComm Confidential
Server Push page for the programmer
Method: GET
URL: http://<ip>/img/video.mjpeg (utility)
The camera will check the request User-Agent parameter in HTTP header to identify the
client type. The camera will regard the client as MSIE if there is the string “MSIE”, regard
the client as SerComm OCX if there are the strings “CameraActiveX” or “Viewer” or
“AlertCfg”, and regard others as PushServer.
Return (OK situation):
If the client is MSIE
HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
content-type: image/jpeg\r\n
<MJPEG data>
If the client is SerComm OCX
HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
<MJPEG video or AUDIO data>
The format of motion JPEG for OCX, to support the audio stream feature, we add an extra
header at begin of the stream data (mjpeg/audio) to describe the frame information and
sending status. The extra header contains 48 bytes in little-endian, the fields are shown as
Location Parameter Value and description
0-3 Magic
The string to identify the header.
It must be "MJPG".
4-7 Frame Size The frame size. (bytes)
8-9 Width The JPEG width.
10-11 Height The JPEG height.
12-15 Sent Size The size of the sent frame. (bytes)
16-17 Slice Size The size of the slice. (bytes)
18-21 Timestamp The time stamp of the frame.
The time stamp of the first frame is always 0.
22 Frame
The frame type.
0x01 (01): JPEG
0x02 (02): G.726 Audio|
0x03 (03): G.711 a law Audio
0x04 (04): G.711 u law Audio
0x05 (05): AMR Audio
0x10 (16): LPCM mono Audio at 8KHz Sample Rate