Installation guide

Before You Begin
This administration guide for Sun Java
System RFID Software 3.0 (RFID software)
provides an overview of the RFID software architecture and instructions for
configuring the various components. This guide is designed to aid system
administrators and engineers who configure, administer and deploy the RFID
software subsystems and components. This guide is intended primarily for
Professional Services staff who are involved in promoting RFID applications to a
broader audience through the EPCGlobal network.
Screen captures vary slightly from one platform to another. Although almost all
procedures use the interface of the RFID software components, occasionally you
might be instructed to type a command at the command line.
Before You Read This Book
You should be familiar with RFID concepts and the following topics:
network technology concepts
programming and concepts
Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC
technology concepts and usage
Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE
platform) technology and usage
Client-server programming model
Familiarity in managing large enterprise systems
Administration of a supported application server
Administration of a supported database