Installation guide

138 Sun Java System RFID Software 3.0 Administration Guide February 2006
To Add Extended Attributes Using the Template
1. Enter the name of the attribute in the name and dbName tags.
2. Enter the type of the attribute. The type can be one of:
The paramNum tag is always 3.
Configuring the Logging Parameters
The logging parameters are set using Application Server’s administration interface.
Refer to the Application Server administration guide for more details.
In general, the logging service is an element within the J2EE service element
category in the server.xml file, as described in the Sun Java System Application
Server Configuration File Reference. The log service is used to configure the system
logging service, which can include the following log files:
Server log
Access log
Transaction log
Virtual server log
Configuration of the system logging service can include specifying values for
various attributes of the log service element. Using Application Server’s
administration interface, you can configure any of the following attributes for the
log service element:
Log File
Default Log Level
Log Standard Out content to event log
Log Standard Error content to event log
Echo to Standard Error
Create Console
Log Virtual Server ID
Write to System Log
For general usage with production systems, reset the Default Log Level to
WARNING. For debugging purposes set the Log Level to INFO or finer granularity.