
18 Video Multiplexer with Video Motion Detection
Menu 2  Day/Night Start Time
Menu 2 allows you to divide the multiplexer work day into two
independent periods, based on start times. If the start times are
the same, the day settings will be used for motion detection. Us-
ing different start times for day and night allows you to use differ-
ent motion detection settings for each time span. Motion alarms
(ALRM) can be set either ON or OFF, and SENSE, SIZE and DELAY
settings can be different for each time as well.
To set the day start time or night start time, use the arrow but-
tons to position the flashing highlight over each character and set
it. Enter the time in HH:MM 24-hour format. In the example
below: day is from 8 am to 5 pm, and night is from 5 pm to 8 am.
NOTE: When day and night start times differ, you should set
up both motion screens for each camera.
When finished, press the Zoom button to go to menu 3 or
Function+Zoom to save all changes and leave the menu system.
Menu 3  Toggle Options
Menu 3 allows you to set each menu item to one of two settings.
To change a setting, position the highlight over it and press the
up or down arrow. The alternate setting appears. To move to
the next toggle option, press the right arrow; to go back to the
previous toggle option, press the left arrow. The toggle options
include the following:
Alarm Message Display The ALARM MESSAGE DISPLAY option controls the ALARM or
VIDLOSS graphic. It toggles as follows:
ON  The multiplexer displays the ALARM or VIDLOSS
graphic on both the main and call monitors. The multiplexer
also switches to multicamera display on the main monitor to
show all cameras with alarms.
OFF  The ALARM or VIDLOSS graphic does not display on
the main monitor, it only displays on the call monitor. The
multiplexer does not change the display on the main monitor.
The default ALARM MESSAGE DISPLAY setting is ON.