
20 Multivision® Pro Installation and Operation Manual
Audible Alarm
The AUDIBLE ALARM option controls the multiplexer alarm
tone. It toggles as follows:
ON — The multiplexer sounds an alarm tone when it
detects a mechanical alarm, motion alarm or video loss.
Press any button to turn the alarm tone off.
OFF — The multiplexer is silent when it detects a
mechanical alarm, motion alarm or video loss.
The default AUDIBLE ALARM setting is OFF.
Alarm Input Polarity
The ALARM INPUT POLARITY option allows you to set the
polarity of all multiplexer alarm inputs. It toggles as follows:
ACT LOW Active alarm inputs are “low”. The
multiplexer recognizes a contact closure or TTL/CMOS
logic low as an alarm event.
ACT HI — Active alarm inputs are “high”. The multiplexer
recognizes a contact opening or TTL/CMOS logic high as
an alarm event.
The default ALARM INPUT POLARITY setting is ACT LOW.
Alarm Output Polarity
The ALARM OUTPUT POLARITY option allows you to set
the active polarity of the TTL/CMOS alarm signal for pins
2035 (motion outputs 1–16) on the alarms connector. It
toggles as follows:
ACT LOW — The alarm output signal goes “low” when a
motion alarm occurs or for an alarm input or vidloss when
ACT HI — The alarm output signal goes “high” when a
motion alarm occurs.
NOTE: The duration of the alarm output signal is deter-
mined by the Alarm Duration setting.
The default ALARM OUTPUT POLARITY setting is ACT LOW.