
Chapter 3 — Installation 13
Multiplexer system operation can be checked immediately after
installation with the multiplexer in the factory default state.
While the multiplexer itself requires no adjustment, system
components such as the monitor, cameras and video recorder
should be checked for proper operation and adjustment. The
system checkout procedure involves three steps: monitor
calibration, camera check, and video recorder check. At least
two video cameras are required to check system operation.
Refer to Figure 1 — Basic Multivision Pro System. Make certain
that all required connections are in place. Apply power to all
system equipment.
Monitor Calibration
This process involves adjusting monitor display brightness, con-
trast, hue and saturation based on the standard color bar pat-
tern generated by the multiplexer. The procedure is as follows.
1. Press function+zoom. The first setup menu appears over
internally generated color bars (gray bars on B&W units).
2. Turn off any automatic color control features on the monitor
that might interfere with manual adjustment (except B&W
3. Turn the monitor’s color level (saturation) control all the
way down. The display is now black and white.
4. Adjust the monitor’s contrast and brightness controls so
that the bar pattern starts with white, darkens evenly
through shades of gray and ends with black.
5. Turn the monitor’s color level control to its midpoint (except
B&W units).
6. Adjust the monitor’s tint (hue) control until the colors are
correct. The correct sequence of colors from left to right is
white, yellow, cyan, green, magenta, red, blue and black.
7. Press function+zoom to exit the setup menu system.
The main monitor is now correctly calibrated to the output of
the multiplexer. To calibrate the call monitor, temporarily con-
nect its video cable to the main mon output and perform moni-
tor calibration again. While monitor adjustments can be changed
to suit the viewer, the above procedure should be performed
before attempting to adjust cameras or working on display or
video quality problems.