Operating instructions

Installation and Operating Instructions
62 Setup Options
Access each system setting through the Setup Options screen. Click the Setup button
on the main screen and the Setup Options screen appears.
NOTE: You must possess the appropriate privilege to access a setup option (see
Security Setup on page 31).
Select one of the following options to access the corresponding screen:
(page 64)
Click to access the Cameras option. Use to configure the
names and termination settings for each camera, audio
association, camera control, and gain settings.
(page 133)
Click to access the Schedule option. Use to define how
the unit records images in this installation, including
daytime and nighttime operation, and weekday,
weekend and holiday operation.
(page 110)
Click to access the Rate option. Use to configure a
specific recording rate for each camera, or to have the
Intellex unit automatically distribute the recording rate
evenly across all active cameras.
(page 116)
Click to access the Tex t option. Use to add, edit or delete
text streams.
(page 125)
Click to access the Audio option. Use to define audio text
streams and associate with one or more camera.
(page 127)
Click to access the Security option. Use to assign the
name, personal identification number (PIN) and
privileges for each user.
Record Mode
(page 133)
Click to access the Record Mode option. Use to define
how the unit records regular (nonalarm) images.
(page 136)
Click to access the Alarms option. Use to define how the
unit responds to various alarm conditions.
(page 139)
Click to access the Display option. Use to define the
display settings and to assign cameras to specific
locations in each live display format.
(page 142)
Click to access the Date/Time option. Use to define the
system date and time, which are encoded on each