Operating instructions

Intellex RMS Digital Video Management System
Setup Options 113
Use Auto Rate Mode
1. Select Use Auto Rate Mode from the Mode tab.
2. Set a Normal Rate from the pull-down menu.
3. Set an Alarm Rate from the pull-down menu.
4. Click OK to accept the new rate settings.
Camera Selectable Rate
The Use Camera Selectable Rate mode allows you to select the rate of each camera
from the Rate tab. When you select Use Camera Selectable Rate, the Normal Rate,
Alarm Rate, and Single Camera Rate boxes are grayed out and inaccessible. Instead,
the Per Camera Rate tab appears. Then on the Per Camera Rate screen, configure the
recording rate for each camera for the Minimal (Min.), Normal (Norm) and Alarm
(Alrm.) setting that you prefer. Note that available recording rates are shown in either
NTSC or PAL numbers, depending on your Intellex setup.
Set Per Camera Rate Mode
1. From the main screen, click the Setup button. The Setup Options screen appears.
2. Click the Rate button.
3. Select Use Camera Selectable Rate from the Mode tab.
4. Click the Per Camera Rate tab.
5. Select the Minimum, Normal, and Alarm recording rate for each active camera by
sliding the image rate sliders to the desired rate.
6. Click OK to accept the new rate settings.
The following table describes the components of the Per Camera Rate screen:
Aggregate Rate
Indicates, in green, the percentage of the system’s
maximum image rate that is currently assigned to cameras.
The “ips Used” figure is the sum of the Normal Images
Rates of all connected cameras.
Undo Undoes your last change to the Per Camera Rate screen.
There are 10 levels of undo.
Default Resets all cameras to the default setting of 7.5 ips (NTSC)
or 6.25 ips (PAL).