Operating instructions

Intellex RMS Digital Video Management System
Setup Options 107
Occlusions and
Be sure to set up the camera so that there are no objects
that totally block (occlude) the objects of interest in the
field of view.
When a person walks behind something that totally
blocks that person in the camera’s field of view, the
Intellex software tries to predict where the person will
be next based on his speed when last seen by the
camera. The more a person is blocked in the camera’s
field of view, the more errors the Intellex software may
commit. Therefore, a man walking behind a tree at a
constant velocity can be easily tracked. But a man
walking behind a building at a changing speed may be
lost by the Intellex software.
An obstruction may block the field of view only
partially; for example, a man walking behind a car
may appear to be missing his lower body, and the
Intellex will notice that the size of the object that it was
tracking has suddenly undergone a change.
When you configure alarms based on the size of an
object, note that even a partial or temporary
obstruction may lessen the reliability of alarms.
Camera recording rate If the camera’s recording rate drops below 7 ips, the
reliability of object tracking is reduced.
Moving objects in the
camera view on startup
Tracking quality is reduced until the Intellex unit can
determine which elements are in the background and
which are moving objects.
Camera location In a busy room, place the camera up high, with a 45-
90° line of sight to the floor. If possible, aim the camera
toward a motionless background.
Camera is too close to
A moving object must fit within 25% of the screen.
Large objects are common in indoor scenes. Place the
camera as far away as possible from the objects that
you wish to track.
Excessive video noise Poor video feed or excessive signal boosting will
significantly reduce tracking quality.