User's Manual

The receiver and the transmitter of a set are factory pre-paired and there-
fore ready for immediate use. The radio link is automatically established as
soon as both devices are switched on and within the transmission range.
You can disconnect the existing radio link and establish new radio links to
two other devices. Only two devices, i.e. one transmitter and one receiver,
can be paired with each other. Previous device pairings are not remem-
Identifying paired devices
You can perform a pairing identification to see which transmitter is paired
with which receiver.
Switch on all devices whose pairing you want to identify.
Short-press the PAIR button of the receiver or of the transmitter.
Identify appears on the display panel of the receiver. The message
This is
appears on the display panel of the transmitter. The sta-
tus LEDs of the paired devices flash green for 10 seconds. If the receiv-
er or the transmitter is not paired or if the paired device is not switched
on or out of range, the display panel changes back to the home screen
after 10 seconds.