User manual

analogue solutions Semblance/4Voice V2 e&oe (c) 21-10-2004
There are many ways to deal with how to deal with assigning notes to voices (or voices
to notes, which ever way you prefer to say it).
No one way is neccessarily better than any other. The different methods have their
own advantages, and personal preference will be different for different people.
In an ideal world, all note assignment modes would be employed. But you rarely see
this on even the most expensive polysynths. (Here I am apply to those with a low number
of voices. Technology is now at the point where the are usually more voices available than
ngers you have).
So please forgive us for the fact that the 4Voice has one mode. As each note is played,
the lower voice number available will always play the incoming note. If a note is currently
in used (the note is held down) then the next voice free voice up is used. If all voices are
in use, then any new incoming note will steal the lowest rst.
This mode should suf ce for most players, though with only four voices to use, the
playing style must be adapted somewhat anyway. Many would probably choose to se-
quence anyway, and the sequence can be tweaked to gain the best out of the 4Voice.
(I remember doing this in the early digital days when my digital synth modules only had
eight voices!).
Each voice's output is fed through a unity gain audio mixer. To set the mix level of
each voice, used the voice's Volume control.
The output of the mixer is sent to the rear panel Master Audio Output socket, and also
through a headphone pre-amp whose output socket is on the front panel.
The front panel Master Mixer Level control changes the mixed signal level of both the
rear panel output and headphone level.
Other Differences
Other differences include;
Larger capacity internal transfomer. Uses IEC mains lead.
Mains Filter.
Two fuses (both live and neutral sides).
Switchable between 115V (USA type) and 230V (Euro type). Disconnect mains supply
before switching. Use the correct setting!
Rack-mount casing.
Different styling. More like an Oberheim SEM.
The signals going to the master mixer use screened cable.