User manual

analogue solutions Semblance/4Voice V2 e&oe (c) 21-10-2004
This controls the amount of modulation to either pulse width or pitch from the modula-
tion source selected by the SOURCE switch.
Turn this knob clockwise in increasing amounts to apply pulse width modulation (PWM)
to the square wave. This will have the affect of thickening up the VCO sound. Extreme
settings of modulation may result in the sound cutting out.
Turn this knob anti-clockwise in increasing amounts to apply frequency modulation
(FM) to VCO2. Use this for vibrato and trill effects on the pitch.
In a central position, there will be no modulation to either PW or Frequency.
This selects the modulation source for either PWM or FM and is routed to the control
The source options are;
EG2 for pitch sweeps. Good for percussion sounds
EXT2 for sound effects and additional modulation
LFO for vibrato and trill effects
VCO1 Square wave for frequency modulation effects
Select the source that you want to use to modulate PWM/FM.
This control allows manual shaping of the pulse wave output. It alters the pulse width
(duty cycle) of the pulse wave. In a central position a square wave is produced (50% duty
cycle). Try this control and listen to how the tone of the waveform changes. When using
Pulse Width Modulation, it is best to set the Pulse Width control to centre, otherwise the
sound may cut-out.
SYNC switch
This switch selects the routings for oscillator sync. The options are;
1>2 VCO2 slaved to VCO1
LFO>2 VCO2 slaved to LFO
OFF Off/no sync effect
2>1 VCO1 slaved to VCO2