Installation guide

Status lights on individual components enable customers to narrow down a problem to a single failed component. If a
problem occurs during the system installation, strategically-placed status lights provide assistance in diagnosing the
For more detailed information on system status lights (LEDs):
Check labels on the cabinet which explaining the meaning of the cabinet, power supply, PCI and disk lights
Refer to Appendix A in this manual
If a red, amber, or yellow light is illuminated and remains lit during the installation process, try reseating the
component and its partner. If the component still does not come online, refer to HP-UX Operating System:
Continuum Series 400 Operation and Maintenance Guide Release 1.0 (R025H-01-ST) for further status-light
information and component troubleshooting procedures.
1.5 System Peripherals
The PA-8500 Continuum Series 400 system can include the peripherals described in the following sections.
V105 Terminal
C419/C619 Modem
Tape and CD-ROM Drives
V105 Terminal
The V105 terminal, which is shipped with most PA-8500 Continuum Series 400 systems, is an ASCII character-mode
terminal that can be configured to operate as a system console to display system error and status information. The V105
can also be used as a standard user terminal for communicating with system applications. It is available with either an
ANSI or PC keyboard. The V105 connects to either the Console (J315) or Auxiliary Console (J316) serial port on the rear
of the cabinet.
Figure 1-5. V105 Terminal
PA-8500 Continuum Series 400 systems can also support other terminals as long as they are properly defined within the
system. For instructions on defining terminal types, see HP-UX Operating System: Peripherals Configuration
Preparing to Install the System
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