User manual

5.2.2 Change warnings/settings of
the Chromis and reading the
computer information
By selecting Extras -> Dive Computer
settings you can enable/disable warnings
that cannot be changed at Chromis unit via
Read chapter Warnings and alarms
about the possible selections that you can
modify on your Chromis.
You may also change the shown units
between metric/imperial. Select Extras ->
Options -> measurement units:
6.1 Technical information
Operating altitude:
with decompression – sea level to
approximately 4000m/13300ft
without decompression (gauge mode) –
at any altitude.
Max operating depth:
120m/394ft; resolution is 0.1m until 99.9m
and 1m at depth deeper than 100m.
Resolution in ft is always 1ft. Accuracy is
within 2% ±0.2m/1ft.
Decompression calculation range:
0.8m to 120m / 3ft to 394ft
quartz clock, time, date, dive time
display up to 199 minutes
Oxygen concentration:
adjustable between 21% and 100%
Operating temperature:
-10C to +50C / 14F to 122F
Power supply:
CR2430 lithium battery
Life of the battery:
Estimated 2 years or 300 dives, which
ever comes first. Actual battery life
depends on the number of dives per
year, the length of each dive, the water
temperature and the usage of backlight.
6.2 Maintenance
The depth accuracy should be verifi ed
every two year and can be done by an
authorized SCUBAPRO dealer. Aside from
that, Chromis is virtually maintenance free.
All you need to do is rinse it carefully with
fresh water after each dive and change the
battery when needed. To avoid possible
problems with your Chromis, the following
recommendations will help assure years of
trouble free service:
- avoid dropping or jarring your Chromis
- do not expose Chromis to intense, direct
- do not store Chromis in a sealed
container, always ensure free ventilation
If there are problems with the water contact,
use soapy water to clean Chromis and dry
it thoroughly. Do not use silicone grease on
the water contacts!
- Do not clean Chromis with liquids
containing solvents.
- Check the battery capacity before each dive.
- If the battery warning appears, replace
the battery.
- If any error message appears on the
display, take Chromis back to an
authorized SCUBAPRO dealer.