Product specifications

Copyright © 2006 MCA Internet, LLC dba BERTL. 22 August 2006
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Page 37
Savin C2525
Image Quality
Image quality on the Savin C2525 was to a high standard
across our entire range of document and image types. It
would be more than adequate for any office environment
looking for good quality, general office color output. For
those looking to achieve even higher color output quality,
Savin will introduce a higher-priced version driven by a
Fiery controller later in the year.
Colors and greyshades reproduced well with only slight
detail loss in some areas of dark subtle contrast. Fine
lines were reproduced well.
Solid areas reproduced well with none of the mottling that
we have seen on some rival units. Text was crisp down to
our lowest 4 point text size with black, blue, and green
text being clearly legible. Red, blue and green text at 4
point size was legible.
Greyscale reproduction, when produced on full color
pages, was to a high standard with no evidence of CMY
color tinting that we have seen on some rival units. There
was no stepping when reproducing greyscale sliding
scale patterns as illustrated in the scan opposite.
The enhanced 2400 x 600 dpi mode in the RPCS driver
resulted in good quality output on fine line CAD images.
Above: High resolution PDF
Below: High resolution digital camera picture
Both images were scanned at 600 dpi and reproduced at 100 percent.
Shading and fine line text
sample test patterns