Operation Manual

Navigation controls
1. The majority of functions on your radio may be performed by using
the Rotary control on the front panel. Turn the control clockwise or
anti-clockwise to highlight the desired function, and then give a short
press on the Rotary control to select that function. In this instruction
booklet, press always means press and release. Where a long
press is needed to perform an operation this is specifically stated in
the text.
When not being used for navigating the system menus, the rotary
control simply acts as a conventional volume control.
The rotary control also has an additional function. When listening to
the radio, a long press of the control will provide access to a menu
to allow adjustment of bass and treble settings.
2. Your WFR-20 radio is supplied with a compact remote control.
All functions can be performed using this. Many operations require
the user to make a selection from the menu. Use the Up and Down
buttons in the group labeled MENU to highlight the desired function.
Then press the Select button.
3. If an error is made when navigating the menus, it is generally possible
to go back to the previous menu by pressing the Back button on the
remote control.
So that the radio can be used without the remote control, menus also
include a Back option which takes the user to the previous menu.
This can be accessed using the front panel Rotary control or via the
remote control. In this instruction book the words ‘Back option’ refer
to either of these methods.