Computer Hardware User Manual

SpinPoint V40 Product Manual
6.6.3 Non-Data Commands
This class includes:
Check Power Mode (98h,E5h)
Flush Cache (E7h)
Execute Drive Diagnostic (DRDY=x) (90h)
Idle (97h,E3h)
Idle Immediate (95h,E1h)
Initialize Drive Parameters (DRDY=x) (91h)
NOP (00h)
Read Native Max Address (F8h)
Read Verify Sector(s) (40h)
Recalibrate (1Xh)
Seek (7Xh)
Set Features (EFh)
Set Max Address (F9h)
Set Multiple Mode (C6h)
Sleep (99h,E6h)
SMART Disable Operation
SMART Enable/Disable Autosave
SMART Enable Operation
SMART Execute Off-line Immediate
SMART Return Status
Standby (96h,E2h)
Standby Immediate (94h,E0h)
Execution of these commands involves no data transfer.
a) The host writes any required parameters to the Features, Sector Count, Sector Number, Cylinder and
Drive/Head registers.
b) The host writes the command code to the Command register.
c) The drive sets BSY.
d) When the drive has completed processing, it clears BSY and asserts INTRQ.
e) The host reads the Status register.
f) The drive negates INTRQ.