Digital Cordless Telephone User's Manual

Changing PIN
(Personal Identification Number) (Menu 6-4)
The PIN is required when you access System menus. The PIN
is preset to ‘0000’ at factory. You can change the PIN code.
1. In the Standby mode, press the Menu soft key.
2. Press the soft key repeatedly until System appears,
then press the Select soft key.
3. Enter the PIN code, then press the OK soft key.
4. Press the soft key repeatedly until Change PIN
appears, then press the Select soft key.
5. New PIN [ ] is displayed. Enter a new PIN code, then
press the OK soft key. The LCD window does not display
the PIN code you entered in order to maintain secrecy.
Note: It must be 4 digits. If you make a mistake, you can
c o rrect the number by using the k e y.
6. Enter the new PIN code again to confirm the number, then
press the OK soft key.
N o t e s:
If you enter a diff e rent number from the new code, the
phone sounds an error beep, and re t u rns to the pre v i o u s
s c re e n .
If you change the PIN code and then forget it, you will have
to contact your local service center.
• If you want to exit from the Change PIN mode while chang-
ing PIN, press the E x i t soft key.
If you reset the handset, all numbers stored in your phone
memory are cleared, and all the user-selectable features
return to the manufacturer’s default status as shown below:
• Redials/Received Calls/Phonebook : All Erase
• Ring Tone: Tone 1 • Ring Volume: Level 3
• Ring Delay: OFF • Call Time: ON
• Base Number: ON • Active Flip: OFF
• PIN code: 0000 • Auto Find: OFF
• No number barred
• Greeting Message: SAMSUNG
• Key Volume : Level 1 • Voice Volume : Level 3
• Unique Ring Tone: OFF
Note: The Dial type will not change even after resetting the
1. In the Standby mode, press the Menu soft key.
2. Press the soft key repeatedly until System appears,
then press the Select soft key.
3. Enter the PIN code, then press the OK soft key.
4. Press the soft key repeatedly until Reset Handset
appears, then press the Select soft key.
5. When you are asked to confirm that you want to reset the
handset, press the Yes soft key to confirm.
Reset Handset (Menu 6-5)