User Manual

Note: Your phone makes voice and Sprint PCS Wireless Web
calls. This section explains voice calling only.
To place a voice call:
1. Press to power on your Sprint PCS Phone. If you
see indicators on the display, this indicates your phone is
on. Note that you will not hear a dial tone.
2. Enter the phone number (up to 32 digits) by pressing the
digit keys. The phone number displays from left to right.
3. Press . The phone places the call to the entered
phone number.
You can also make voice calls:
From your Internal Phone Book (see “Shortcuts to
Memory Dialing” on page 80).
From your Call Logs list (see “Reviewing Outgoing,
Incoming or Missed Calls” on page 106).
By using One-, Two- or Three-Touch, Four Digit or Speed
Dialing (see “Shortcuts to Memory Dialing” on page 80).
By using Voice-activated dialing (see “Setting-up voice-
activated dialing” on page 66).
To redial the last call you made, press twice.
You can also easily redial any of your last ten incoming,
outgoing or missed calls by accessing the Call Logs listings
(see “Reviewing Outgoing, Incoming or Missed Calls” on
page 106).