Product manual

English - 17
Raise the front of the refrigerator so that
the doors close by themselves.
Adjusting the levelers so that the back
of the refrigerator is much higher than
the front of the refrigerator can make it
difficult to open the doors.
If the back of the refrigerator is not level, put an
appropriately sized thin piece of wood or tile
where the refrigerator leg you want to raise will
be set, and then secure it in place using tape.
Slide the refrigerator into its spot, with the back
leg you want to raise on the tile or wood.
Then, adjust the level of the front legs.
When pushing the refrigerator in, be careful not
to damage the floor.
If one door is lower than the other:
The refrigerator door height can be adjusted
using the adjustment nuts located at the
bottom of each door.
Raising the door too high can cause the door to
interfere with the hinge cover when it is opened
or closed.
1. Open the door that needs to be adjusted and
loosen the clamping nut (A) at the bottom of
the door by turning it clockwise ( ) using
the spanner included in the product package.
(Raise the lower of the two doors first.)
2. Adjust the height of the door by turning the
adjustment nut (B) counterclockwise ( )
with a spanner.
(Turn it counterclockwise ( ) to increase
the height of the door and clockwise ( ) to
decrease it.)
- Open the door and adjust it from the inside.
3. Once the doors are level, turn the clamping nut
(A) counterclockwise ( ) to tighten it.
Adjusting the level when the refrigerator
is empty can result in the refrigerator
becoming uneven again once items have
been placed inside.
If this occurs, adjust the level again.
DA68-02976A-05.indb 17 15. 1. 7. �� 6:45