Operating instructions

Connect the water line to the fridge
- Connect the plastic line on the back of your fridge to
the outlet of cartridge holder (insert plastic line to the
cartridge holder outlet until its limit)
- Insert plastic clip to the cartridge holder inlet and
- Turnwateron and check for any Ieakege.
; Cartridge Holder
Plastic line Filter cartridge
,You can purchasethe necessaryfiltercartridgeat your nearestLowe!s,makesure you buy SAMSUNGfilter
cartridge (ReplacementcartridgeNo : DA29-00015A)to ensure its 3erformance.
Waterlinemust be connectedto drinkablewater only
- For usingwithoutwaterfilter
Connecting to water supply line
- Shut off the main water supply line and turn the
Ice maker to the off position.
- Locate the nearest cold drinking water line.
- Follow the instructions in the ice maker
installation kit.
6 5 4
1. Cold Water line
2. Pipe Clamp.
3. Copper (or Plastic) line
4. Compression Nut
5. Compression Sleeve
6. Shut Off Valve
7. Packing Nut.
Connect the water line to the fridge
- Slip the compression nut through the plastic tube.
- After inserting the compression nut into plastic tube, tighten
the compression nut onto 1/4" compression fitting(union).
Donot overtighten the compression nut.
- Slip thecompressionferrule and nut on copper(orplastic)tubing
as shown.
After insertingthe sleeve,tightenthe compressionnut onto the
- Turnwater on and checkfor anyleakege.
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i fitting
", _Compression
,,,,_..oO,, Nut
.You can purchasethe necessaryfiltercartridgeat your nearestLowe's, makesure you buy SAMSUNGfilter
cartridge (ReplacementcartridgeNo: DA29-00015A)toensure its performance.
, Waterlinemust beconnectedto drinkablewater only
Compressionfitting and nut wil!be given inside of ice bucket.