Service manual

Table Of Contents
REDO Prevention Tips
1. The technician should always talk directly to the customer before each call. Many techs get
their idea of what’s wrong via 2
hand conversation, bring the wrong parts and put it in figuring
doing something is better than nothing. This is a bad practice.
2. Ask the customer if there were any other symptoms before the current problem appeared.
3. If you do not see the defect during your visit and you are not sure what the problem is, do not
guess on the repair. Confirm the symptom by picture, Technical support, or research on PVI
4. Do not submit a claim using EADJ if no adjustments were actually performed because
this will contribute to a REDO if a 2
call is needed. Be sure to properly code the repair.
See list of repair codes on the next page which do not affect the REDO rate.
5. If you are 99% sure that one of two possible parts will repair the unit, change both parts.
However, only do this when you are sure that this will repair the unit because one of our KPI is
amount of parts used.
6. Spend time after the repair burning the part in (at least 20 min) and talk to the customer to
make sure they are satisfied with the repair (not going to call back after you leave).
7. Please review your claim submission process to make sure that you are not submitting two
claims for the same unit repair at the same time.
These are some of the habits of the best technicians in the country. The best technicians also
concentrate on having the correct parts in stock by reviewing their weekly usage. If you have any
other tips which you have found to be successful in reducing repeat repairs, please send them to
your RSM.
Samsung Electronics is currently focusing on reducing our repeat
repairs (Redo). We have prepared the following tips for all of our
Service Centers to follow so that we can improve our overall
service to our mutual customers.