User manual

PNY Quadro User Manual page 52
Chapter 6
MAXtreme is a 3D driver that is specifically optimized for use with the PNY Quadro4 750 XGL and the PNY
Quadro4 900 XGL workstation graphics cards. Together, this driver and your new graphics hardware enhances
the capabilities of the interactive renderer in several applications from Discreet, including:
3ds max 4
3D Studio MAX Release 3
3D Studio VIZ Release 3i
3D Studio VIZ Release 3
Using Stereo shutter glasses, you can also use the MAXtreme Stereo feature to view your drawings and
animations in true stereo.
Installing MAXtreme
One of the applications listed above must already be installed on your computer before you install and run
MAXtreme. The MAXtreme Setup program automatically installs the version of MAXtreme (Release 3 or
Release 4) that is compatible with your installed version of the 3D Studio MAX/VIZ application. (MAXtreme
4 works with 3ds max 4 but is not compatible with 3D Studio MAX 3.)
The MAXtreme SETUP directory on your CD contains the following files:
Readme.txt contains important release notes
Setup.exe installation program for Windows
(all others) files required for installation