User Manual

AirLine ATX Wireless System 7
Quick Start
In order for your wireless system to work correctly, both the receiver and transmitter
must be set to the same channel. Follow this basic procedure for setting up and
using your AirLine ATX Wireless System:
1. Physically place the CR99 receiver where it will be used, and extend the
antennas vertically. The general rule of thumb is to maintain “line of sight”
between the receiver and transmitter so that the person using or wearing the
transmitter can see the receiver.
2. With the CR99 powered off,
connect the included power
adapter. Turn the CR99 on
momentarily to confirm that the
unit is receiving power. Then
turn the CR99 power off.
3. With your amplifier or mixer
off and volume control all the
way down, connect the CR99
receiver output jack to the mic
or line level input of a mixer or
amplifier using the balanced
XLR output or unbalanced ¼”
line level output. Turn the Level
knob on the CR99 completely
counterclockwise, then turn its
power on.
4. Press and hold the GROUP button on the front
of the CR99 receiver to scan for an available
channel within the selected group.
5. Press and hold the CR99 CHANNEL button
to execute an IR Set which synchronizes the
transmitter to the same channel as the receiver
via infrared transmission.