
SPS-500 Program Manual v1.26 Software Installation & SD Utilities 25
Software Installation & SD
The latest software revisions will be posted on the SPS-500 dealer support page of the CRS website:
. Software will be revised continually as anomalies are identified, repaired, and as new
features and peripherals are supported.
Always verify that the latest software is installed prior to preparing equipment for installation. CRS
recommends the latest released software version for new installations.
NOTE: Software pre-installed on new equipment may not be the latest version.
Monitor the CRS dealer page and your email for bulletins and software update information.
Verify that the same software version is installed on all terminals in a multi-terminal installation.
Important: Updating Existing Installations
If you are performing an update on an existing installation, remember that you must perform a memory all
clear after installing updated software. Before updating an existing installation:
1. Save memory allocation, programs and reports (S/SRAMBACKUP).
2. Perform updates as necessary.
3. Clear all memory (use instructions in the previous chapter found on page 23.)
4. Restore previously saved memory allocation, programs and reports (S/SRAMBACKUP). (Note:
occasional format changes may prevent reloading of certain programs and/or reports.)
Update Methods
Operating system and application files can be updated directly by SD card. Updates instructions for update
by SD are documented in this chapter.