
SPS-500 Program Manual v1.26 Glossary of Terms 173
Currency Conversion
Use one of the 5 available currency conversion functions to convert and display the value of the
transaction in foreign currency. Only cash tender is allowed after pressing a CURR CONV key.
Change is calculated and issued in home currency.
Custom Report
One custom report can be created, with up to 50 totals and counters. The report is built by selecting
totals that also appear on either the financial or sales by time period reports. When the custom report
is created, totals and counters separate from the original report are also created (in other words, you
can clear either the custom independently without affecting totals in any other report.)
Another feature of the custom report is the ability to add or subtract selected totals to create a new
subtotal of selected information.
Default Program
The original program installed in the SPS-5X0. The register has a default program, which makes it
operational after a RAM clear. Nearly all option, rate, and status programs are set to zero as the
default condition.
Refers to the destination for the sale i.e. eat-in, take out, drive thru.
Discount (Item)
An item discount (coupon or %) subtracts an amount or percentage from the price of an item. This
subtraction nets the Department or PLU total.
Discount (Sale)
A sale discount (coupon or %) subtracts an amount or percentage from the entire sale.
Electronic Journal
The electronic journal is an area of memory designated to keep a sales journal. The electronic journal
can be printed, if necessary, to provide a traditional record of all register activity.
Error Condition
An error condition signals that an incorrect operation has occurred. It is identified by an audible tone
and an error descriptor appearing on the display.
Error Correct
An error correct operation voids the last item entered, it must be used within a sale.