
152 P Mode Programming SPS-500 Program Manual v1.26
Promotion Table
Retailers often offer discounts when multiples of items are purchased. Through the Promotion Table, you can
handle four different discount situations.
1. Mix & Match
This discount situation takes place where the merchant offers a fixed amount discount when a specific
quantity of similar items are purchased. For example, “save $5 on any three bottles of wine”. This
discount is implemented by first linking the applicable PLUs to a specific promotion table. At the
promotion table screen, set the discount price field with the discount amount and the fixed quantity
field with the number of items that need to be purchased in order to qualify for the discount.
Mix & Match %
This discount situation is similar to mix & match, except a percentage discount is applied (rather than
an amount discount) when the discount criteria is met.
2. Multi Buy
This discount situation takes place where the merchant offers a fixed amount discount when a specific
combination of items is purchased. For example, purchase 2-hamburgers, 1-french fry and 1-medium
soft drink to receive a $1 meal discount. To implement this discount, you must list each item and the
qualifying quantity that must be purchased on the promotion table program screen. Enter the amount
of the combination discount in the discount price field.
3. Fixed Price
The fixed price discount is similar to the mult-buy discount. In both situations specific items must be
sold to qualify, except when using the fixed price option, the package price is programmed instead of
the package discount. For example, purchase 3-roast beef sandwiches for $3. In this case, the roast
beef sandwich will be listed on promotion table screen with a quantity of “3”. The discount price
field will be set at $3, which is the actual cost of the package.
4. Selective Discount
Selective discount enables a “coupon search” feature. In other words, before a coupon is allowed, the
product for with the coupon applies, must be register in the transaction. The selective discount
promotion is applied by first programming a “%” function key, and then setting the options on the
Promotion Table programming screen. The “Mix&Match Table #” field on the PLU must be set to
“00”. The discount is applied by first entering the promotion table number, then touching the “%”
function key. If the discountable item is not registered, a “NO ITEM FOR SELECT DISCOUNT”
error will display and the discount will not be applied. The FIXED QTY field will determine how
many times the discount is applied.