
Glossary of Terms SER-7000 Program Manual
Error Correct
An error correct operation voids the last item entered, it must be used within a sale.
Food Stamps
In the United States, Food Stamps may be used to purchase eligible food items at food stores
that participate in the program. The SER-7000 can assist a retailer in handling food stamp
transactions by sorting food stamp and non-food stamp eligible items within each sale and
tracking food stamp payments for eligible items.
Gallonage is a status that can be assigned to a PLU. Gallonage PLUs accept a price, but
print both the price and the quantity of gallons sold. The quantity of gallons is computed
from the price per gallon, which is set as the preset price.
Groups are totals that collect information from designated PLUs. For example all PLU
dessert items could collect in a group total called "desserts". You can send each PLU to up
to three groups. The first group is designated in PLU programming, the second and third
groups are designated in PLU Status Group programming.
The high amount lock-out (HALO) limits the amount allowed to be entered in a PLU, or
function key.
Ingredient Inventory
A menu-explosion type inventory system is set up when PLUs are linked to a recipe number.
The X-MODE MANAGER MENU provides functions to receive, transfer in/out, or enter raw
waste for ingredients used in the recipe system.
Initial Clear
The initial clear function allows you to exit any register activity and return to a beginning or
cleared state. Any transaction that is in progress will be exited and totals for that transaction
will not be updated.
Inter Register Communications (IRC) is the term used to describe communications within a
network of registers. Information exchanged between registers includes check information
for posting to guest check, information to be printed or displayed at printers or videos, and
sales information for consolidated reporting.
The SER-7000 uses ETHERNET at 10Mbps for IRC.