User's Manual

Table Of Contents
ED 3100 G 140 / 04 (2011-11)
Operating Instructions
C-1 Voyage Planning
NACOS Platinum
Add Waypoints
Click with DO on the first or last waypoint symbol of the route. With a MORE click on the selection
marker the context menu is opened. Select Route and click on Insert Waypoint.
Adding a waypoint at the first or last waypoint will create a prolongation of the first / last leg with the
same track course but with 50% of the length of the previous leg; move the added waypoint to the
intended position on the screen to create the correct course and length of the new leg.
Delete a Waypoint
Click with DO on the waypoint symbol to select it. With a MORE click on the selection marker the
context menu is opened. Select Route and click on Delete Waypoint.
Set and Move a Parameter Point
Select the leg of the route displayed on the screen and by a click with MORE open the Route context
menu in the application area. A click on Insert a Waypoint Here first inserts a normal waypoint in the
middle of the leg.
Select the new inserted waypoint in the list (check the waypoint number) and activate the PP (Parameter
Point) checkbox. This waypoint will now be displayed with a small square symbol.
With the graphical cursor on this symbol and pressing down the DO key you can now move the param-
eter point along the preplanned track line. Releasing the DO key will fix the Parameter Point's position
on the leg.
Do not shift the parameter point into the curved part of the displayed route.
Repeat the above procedure in order to add more parameter points on a leg.
Do not shift a new parameter point across already available parameter points.
The insertion of parameter points on a leg does not create any course change at these points.
With other words, a parameter point is not part of the course change alarm management (No Waypoint
Approach and no Wheel Over Point alarms).
But by use of parameter points you can easily add changes of route parameters like
- Off Course Limit (CRS LIM) and Off Track Limit (XTD LIM)
- Sailing Mode (Sail Mode)
- Rudder Economy (ECON)
- Planned Speed (MAX SPD)
on different parts of a leg.
Changing the planned speed on a leg is done by changing the MAX SPD value, which then also changes
the Calc.SPD value in the Route List.
Save and Save As
In contrast to editing User Symbols (See chapter A - 8 on page A-83), routes and the additional route
parameters shown in the waypoint list are not automatically stored to the file system on the MFD-
computer. Be sure to Save all your changes at the latest after completion of route editing. During long
editing sessions intermediate saving of data is recommended
See chapter "Backup/Restore of Map Data" on page H-13 for details on storing data on USB devices.