Instruction Manual
1010 East 62
Street, Los Angeles, CA 90001-1598
Phone: 1-800-562-5377 Int’l Phone: 323-846-6700
Fax: 1-800-562-5399 Int’l Fax: 323-846-6800
Installation instructions are provided as general guidelines. It is advised that a professional installer be consulted. Salsbury Industries assumes no product assembly or installation liability.
Copyright © 2013 Salsbury Industries. All rights reserved. (Rev. 03, 5/14/2013) Page 1 of 2
Modular Lockers – 80000 Series
Installation Instructions
Modular lockers are fully assembled. The flexibility of the modular locker design allows multiple units to be connected
vertically or horizontally with mounting hardware (provided). The lockers should be placed in the installation location,
connected with the mounting hardware (provided) and anchored to the floor, wall, or to both. The back of each modular
locker has four (4) key holes for ease when mounting to a wall. Anchoring fasteners are not provided as individual job
conditions will dictate the type of anchor fasteners that should be used.
Sample Stacking Installation: