User's Manual

Messages 23
Input modes
In the input screen, the key is used to access other input modes. The mode
in which you type the text is displayed at the right top of the screen. A short press
of the key switches from one mode to another.
ABC mode
is used to write words that do not exist in the dictionary. To get
a particular character, please press the corresponding key several times: the
characters will scroll down on your screen.
Mode 123
is used to add numbers.
Insert mode
is used to add symbols, animations, call group icons and tunes.
Images and sounds can be of two types: pre-defined or customized. Pre-defined
images and sounds are smaller, especially suited to exchanging messages.
Upper case
A long press of the key will display the next letter in upper case ( icon).
Punctuation characters
Punctuation characters are obtained thanks to key
(except in
mode), or
with the help of
mode (fast access by briefly pressing the key).
Accented characters
Accented characters are generated automatically in T9 mode.
In ABC mode accented characters are available by pressing the key supporting
the non-accented character in succession.
When composing a message:
Deletes last letter
Message options
key (long press):
Zoom mode (changes size of
key (short press):
Access to symbol table
key (long press):
Upper case Page 23 Mercredi, 19. juillet 2006 2:29 14