Installation guide

S9v 18’ Mk II Installation Guide
d. Gently pull the top, thinnest section straight out of the base tube (pull the
section, not the cap) until it catches and pulls the next, lower section out.
Gently twist the top section to lock it into the lower section. Now, pull the
lower section straight out until the next section appears. Repeat this you
have extended all the sections EXCEPT FOR THE SECTION ABOVE
THE BOTTOM BASE TUBE. Pull and twist the upper sections to friction-
lock them but don’t overdo it as it may be difficult to collapse the sections
later on.
e. As shown below, each upper tube section (except the top, tip section)
requires a polymer tube ring to prevent the tube from collapsing down into
the larger diameter tube immediately below it.
f. To install a ring, slide it over the top of each upper section and use your
thumb and index finger to squeeze the ring tabs until the teeth click
together, as shown below.