Operation Manual

Creating a Rhythm Set
Creating a Rhythm Set
Rhythm Set Parameters
RHYTHM COMMON (Settings Common to the Entire Rhythm Set)
Setting up Individual Rhythm Tones
Parameters that can be set for each of the percussion instruments (Rhythm Tones) in Rhythm Sets are
organized into the Parameter Groups listed below.
EFFECTS: Patch/Rhythm Set Mode Settings (p. 77)
WMT (Wave Mix Table): Modifying a Rhythm Tone’s Waveform and Panning (p. 64)
RHYTHM CONTROL: Other Settings (p. 68)
PITCH: Modifying a Rhythm Tone’s Pitch (p. 65)
TVF: Modifying the Brightness of a Sound with a Filter (p. 66)
TVA: Making the Volume Change (p. 67)
Tips for Choosing Rhythm Tone Waveforms
Refer to p. 52.
Parameter Value Description
(Rhythm set name)
space, A–Z, a–z, 0–9, ! “ # $ % & ‘ (
) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ¥ ] ^ _ ` |
You can name a Rhythm Set using up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
When using the XV editor, click on the left side to name the Tone.
KEY NAME space, A–Z, a–z, 0–9, ! “ # $ % & ‘ (
) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ¥ ] ^ _ ` |
You can name a percussion sound (key) using up to 12 alphanumeric
characters. When using the XV editor, click on the left side to name
the Tone.
(Rhythm set level)
0–127 This sets the overall volume of the Rhythm Set.
* To set the volume of each Rhythm Tone, use the Rhythm Tone Level (p. 67).
(Rhythm output assign)
MFX, A, 1, 2, TONE This sets the output destination of the Rhythm Set.
MFX: The Rhythm Set is sent into the Multi-Effects.
A: Output from OUTPUT.
1: Output from L.
2: Output from R.
TONE: Each Rhythm Tone in the Rhythm Set is sent to its pro-
grammed output destination.
(Rhythm set clock source)
RHYTHM, SYSTEM The LFO cycle, M-FX changes, phrase loop (break beats), and Tone de-
lay time can be synchronized to a clock, or tempo. The Clock Source set-
ting selects the timing reference to be used by the Rhythm Set.
RHYTHM: The Rhythm Set Tempo will be used.
SYSTEM: The global System Tempo or clock messages received
from an external sequencer will be used.
(Rhythm set tempo)
20–250 When Clock Source is set to “RHYTHM,” this setting establishes the
Rhythm Set’s tempo.
* Clock messages for the Rhythm Tempo are not transmitted from the MIDI
OUT jack.