User Manual

Table Of Contents
1–32 Abbreviated Command and Status Blocks
1771-6.5.88 – July 1997
Velocity Control Limits
N43:101 Minimum limit
SCC46 N43:102 Maximum limit
SCC47 N43:103 % output for minimum
SCC48 N43:104 % output for maximum
Profile Tuning Constants
SCC49 N43:105 Proportional gain, pressure control
SCC50 N43:106 Integral gain, pressure control
SCC51 N43:107 Derivative gain, pressure control
SCC52 N43:108 Proportional gain, velocity control
SCC53 N43:109 Feedforward gain, velocity control
SCC54-56 N43:110-112 RFU
Setpoint for Profile Pressure Alarm
SCC57 N43:113 High pressure alarm
SCC58-64 N43:114-120 RFU
Word Pro-Set Address Description
Bit-mapped Control Words
SOC01 B37:24 Block ID 00000000 00010010
SOC02 B37:25 Selected valve configurations
SOC03-04 B37:26-27 RFU
Expert Response Compensation Percentage
SOC05 N43:361 ERC % minimum velocity
SOC06 N43:362 ERC % minimum pressure
SOC07 N43:363 RFU
Watchdog Timer
SOC08 N43:364 Profile timer preset
Set-output Values for Unselected Valves (During Profile)
SOC09 N43:365 Output #1
SOC10 N43:366 Output #2
SOC11 N43:367 Output #3
SOC12 N43:368 Output #4
SOC13 N43:369 Output #5
SOC14 N43:370 Output #6
SOC15 N43:371 Output #7
SOC16 N43:372 Output #8
Acceleration Ramp Rates
SOC17 N43:373 Output #1
SOC18 N43:374 Output #2
SOC19 N43:375 Output #3
SOC20 N43:376 Output #4
SOC21 N43:377 Output #5
SOC22 N43:378 Output #6
SOC23 N43:379 Output #7
SOC24 N43:380 Output #8
Deceleration Ramp Rates
SOC25 N43:381 Output #1
SOC26 N43:382 Output #2
SOC – Second Clamp
Open Configuration Block