User's Manual

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The base station is shipped from the factory without a NOAA frequency selected. You must first
select your local NOAA frequency to activate NOAA weather features. Follow steps 1-7 below.
VHF models of the JBS / PBS “Display Series base station can hear weather forecasts from the
National Weather Service which are broadcast on one of the seven NOAA weather frequencies. In
some areas you may be able to receive more than one broadcast.
1. Follow the steps in FIG-5 on page 11 to place the radio into the Weather Frequency Select mode.
2. The base station will scan to the first NOAA frequency where a broadcast is present. The
display will light a single segment to indicate the NOAA frequency per FIG-6 on page 11.
3. Monitor the channel for a few minutes to be sure it is the broadcast for your local area.
4. Press the “Z” button to scan for the presence of any other NOAA broadcasts, monitoring each
broadcast and noting the frequency as indicated by the display.
5. Using the “Z” button, select the local NOAA frequency you would like your radio to operate on.
6. Turn the base station off by pressing the Volume Down / Off button.
7. When the base station is turned back on all weather features will operate on the selected
NOAA frequency.
NOTE: If the base station is moved, for example, to another state you must re-train your base
station with a new local NOAA frequency.
NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) is a nationwide network of radio stations broadcasting continuous weather information direct
from a nearby National Weather Service office. NWR broadcasts National Weather Service warnings, watches, forecasts
and other hazard information 24 hours a day.
Working with the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) Emergency Alert System, NWR is an “all hazards” radio
network, making it your single source for comprehensive weather and emergency information. NWR also broadcasts
warning and post-event information for all types of hazardsboth natural (such as earthquakes and volcano activity) and
environmental (such as chemical releases or oil spills).
Known as the “Voice of the National Weather Service,” NWR is provided as a public service by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), part of the Department of Commerce. NWR includes more than 750 transmitters, covering all 50 states, adjacent coastal waters, Puerto
Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the U.S. Pacific Territories. NWR requires a special radio receiver or scanner capable of picking up the signal.
Broadcasts are found in the public service band at these seven frequencies (MHz): 162.400, 162.425, 162.450, 162.475, 162.500, 162.525, 162.550.
After you have selected a NOAA weather
frequency on your VHF model base
station, an extra channel is automatically
created exclusively for listening to
National Weather Service broadcasts.
Repeatedly pressing the Channel button
will advance through your base station
talk channels. NOAA Weather will be
your last channel, and the display will
light the segment representing the
selected NOAA frequency.
If you do not want the NOAA Weather
feature, it can be turned off through Field
To turn NOAA Weather Feature On /
Off see “How to Program Radio
Feature Codes” on page 15.